Understanding Movies

question #1
How does cinematography or special effects play a part in the film you watched “The Searchers (1956) dir. John Ford” or “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

(1953) dir. Howard Hawks “? Identify at least three places that one of these elements stood out in either one of the film.

Question #2
View the required documentary Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography (Glassman, McCarthy and Samuels, 1992). Respond to this film with (at

least) a substantive paragraph or two (100+ words)

Question #3

In a paragraph or two explain how Special Effects or Cinematography has changed from the films you watched “The Searchers (1956) dir. John Ford” and

“Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) dir. Howard Hawks “to present day.
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