doing the movie: Split


1. Select a mental illness case study from a movie or other case studies. Use the case study to analyze a specific major character who suffers from a diagnosable mental illness.

2. Provide a short synopsis of the movie/case and a clinical history associated with the character disorder.

3. Develop assessment and case formulation using the integrative model of diagnoses of the DSM-5 with your rationale and any rule-outs.

4. Use DSM-5 classification to provide categorical information (Diagnosis), dimensional information (Severity rating) and additional information if any (Medical problem, Psychosocial problem) as part of a proper diagnosis.

5. Describe treatment goals and planning associated with the character disorder.

6. Study and critically discuss some literature research on the prevalence, classification issues, symptoms, treatment effectiveness, diagnosis, or possible etiological and other factors associated with the character disorder.


READ ALSO :   1. How can the Sociological Perspective help you in understanding the plight or condition of members in society who come from marginalized groups, i.e. African Americans, members of the LTGB community, women, Mexican Americans, etc. Based on the group you chose, which social theory best explains your position, i.e. gender-feminism conflict approach, race conflict approach, social conflict, approach, etc. 2. Define and identify distinctions between race, ethnicity and culture.Define and identify distinctions and similarities between the following: racism, prejudice, institutional prejudice and racism and stereotype; based on what you know about these terms, what do you think is the origin of racism, prejudice, institutional prejudice and racism and stereotypes? As a sociologist, what plan would you devise to eradicate these social ills in America? 3. You are a developmental social–psychologist; overindulged same sex (female) bi racial (Black and Chinese) parents of new born fraternal twins (boy and girl) want you to help them to create a developmental plan for their new babies. The plan should focus on social and emotional development, physical, cognitive, and moral development. While your plan should mention each area of development, for the purposes of this quiz, you are only required to give substantial detail for one area. Nevertheless, for the areas of development that youdid notchoose, be sure to give the parents the name of the theorist most associated with that area so that that they can conduct additional research on their own.