Early Jazz and Society New Orleans & Chicago

Reading: Read the following articles in the Reading section of the course Canvas website.
Excerpt from A Brief History of Jazz by Lois McNamarra (2 pages) Research Resources on Chicago, Jazz, and the Great

Migration (1 page)
The Great Migration and Chicago Jazz by Piero Scaruffi (1 page)
Look for quotes that would you believe would be good evidence as to why jazz was not immediately accepted by the

conservative public (both white and black). This would include information on the musicians, places where jazz was heard,

and jazz audiences.
Writing: Select the THREE best quotes from these articles (in your opinion) and copy them into your document. At the end,

put the appropriate parenthetical citation.
After EACH quote, write 1-2 sentences that put the quote into context and remind you of why you chose the quote (an

explanation for why you chose the quote and how it relates to the topic of why some conservative white and black

Americans did not approve of jazz music).

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