English 102: The Handmaid’s Tale Essay

English 102: The Handmaid’s Tale Essay

Atwood has stated that her book is about power. One of the ways this comes through is the various methods of control used by different groups throughout the novel. Compare methods of control used in Gilead to methods of control in our own culture. (Think of different forms of control encountered in the book: political, religious, physical, mental, etc.) How do these methods affect people of each gender differently for characters in the book and for people in our own culture? Which method of control is most problematic for characters in the book and for people in our own culture?

Two sources you may find helpful are:
No Balm in Gilead for Margaret Atwood By Mervyn Rothstein: https://www.nytimes.com/books/00/09/03/specials/atwood-gilead.html

Author Q&A on Random House Publisher’s website (scroll down to see it): http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/6125/the-handmaids-tale-by-margaret-atwood/
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