Prepare your speech by following these steps:

1. Select a speech goal.

a. Brainstorm to select a topic. Choose a product or

service that you want to highlight in your infomercial.

Your choice may be real or imaginary. It can be something

tangible (like a cell phone or a vacuum cleaner),

or it can be intangible (like a diet plan or financial


b. Decide what methods youll use to inform your audience.

You can inform by describing, defining, comparing

and contrasting, narrating, and demonstrating.

Describing: Create an accurate and vivid verbal picture

of an object, geographic feature, setting, event, person,

or image. This approach usually answers questions

of who, what, and where. To describe something

effectively, explain features such as its size, shape,

weight, color, composition, age, condition, and spatial


Defining: Explain the meaning of something. Differentiate

it from similar ideas. Explain its history and its


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