research and design.

Identify the type of research (qualitative and/or quantitative) and research design you have chosen to examine your research question(s) and hypotheses.

State your reasons for choosing this type of research and design. Discuss your potential participants (who they are, number and participant characteristics such as age, gender, etc) and where they will be recruited from. Identify any ethical issues that you will have to attend to in regards to your participants. Identify your methos of sampling selection. Discuss representatives of the intended sample. Indicate where you will find your sample. Consider whether you will need special permission to work with your sample. Consider the strategies that you will use to recruit study participants.

Part B: Measures-1 page: Discuss what you will need to consider when you look for measures to test variables in your study (length, wording, validity, reliability, etc). What variables should the measure test for your study? Is it qualitative, quantitative measure or both? Why do you feel qualitative/quantitative measure is best for your study? What does reliability and validity mean? What does (rubin & babbie, 2011, essential research methods for social work 3rd ed) recommend in regards to characteristics that make a measure reliable and valid?

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