Type 2 diabeties in Denver CO

Write a community action plan on how to Combat type 2 diabeties in the community of Denver Colorado
community action plan will be a professional portfolio that includes a written report.
Below are some useful sites where you can find examples of the elements of an action plan.
• https://www.epa.gov/communityhealth/
• https://www.cityofchicago.org/dam/city/depts/cdph/tobacco_alchohol_and_drug_abuse/LGBTCommunityActionPlanHC.pdf
• https://www.smartgrowthamerica.org/complete-streets/complete-streets-fundamentals/factsheets/health
• https://www.maricopa.gov/publichealth/Programs/OPI/pdf/MCCAP-Report-2012.pdf
• https://www.whatcomcounty.us/health/community/pdf/whatcom_achieve_cap_web.pdf
You will incorporate into this final plan any classmates’ critiques that you found useful as well as your instructor’s feedback.
1 The written report should include:
• The final case study, with four sections (Symptoms, Diagnosis, Cure, and Prevention). Each section should be about a page in length. Your entire paper must be 4-5 pages in length not counting the title or reference pages, which you must include.
• You must back up your sections using at least two scholarly articles. You may use readings other than the textbook to meet this requirement.
• The key community members or partners in Denver that you plan on contacting, with an explanation why these individuals or organizations make sense as potential partners..
• A special emphasis on either the demographics of the affected population or the economic implications, based on Type 2.doc(attached)
• A realistic timeline for your plan. Discuss the time needed for campaigning, education, funding, building, and implementation.

Demographic information
The population mostly affected by the diabetes type 2 mostly consists the obese, the elderly as well those with low physical activity. The age cannot be approximated because many factors expose individuals to the condition like the above mentioned alongside family history, or personal gestational diabetes history. The CDC also places the lack of age approximation on the fact that the condition varies by ethnic and racial groups hence children can also be affected by the condition; although it is rare, if they are exposed to any of the mentioned factors. For example, in the US, the prevalence is high in those aged 20 and above with the 65+ age at higher risks, and ethnically; African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans and the Hispanics have a higher prevalence compared to Caucasians (CDC, 2011).
The status at the time that one is affected is that of desperation because the disease is chronic. The status of the health of affected population at the time that they are affected is that their body is either resisting the insulin effects or fails to produce the enough insulin necessary for the maintenance of a glucose level that is normal (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015).
Already Existing Information and Gaps
The predisposing factors, statistics of the condition’s occurrence, management solutions and organizations to find solutions are already existing knowledge. However, there is the gap of quality between the organizations.
Possible Solutions and How they would Influence Overall Public Health
The possible solutions to the chronic condition are; exercising, dieting, healthy weight maintenance, insulin therapy and diabetic medications. The possible solutions to the gap identified include the survey of the organizations and rating them to find out why others perform better than others. The overall public health will be influenced through the solution because all public provider facilities will aim to do best.

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Mayo Clinic Staff, (2015), Diseases and Conditions: Type 2 Diabetes, Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from, www.mayoclinic.org/../con-20031902
CDC (2011), Chronic Diseases: Diabetes, Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from, www.cdc.org/../ddt.htm